We are a group of dedicated, sport-loving photographers that strive to give each and every game the best possible coverage. From the local small colleges like North Central University in Minneapolis, Rochester University in New York and Manchester in Indiana and high schools to the large juggernauts of Mount Union, Notre Dame, Minnesota and beyond, we supply many media organizations photos of sports and special events from our coverage regions.
We are looking for like-minded photographers who can produce quality work on a consistent, but limited, basis (one or two weekends a month) of events in their region. Our photographers range from part-time professionals to journalism students to retired professionals. We will be launching our affiliate program in the fall for those who wish to sell their photos on their own, or you can choose to have us host all your artwork for you.
We will get in contact with you if you fill out this form, please be sure to include links to your website and/or portfolio(s) as well links to work you have had published (PDF tear sheets are acceptable) so we can see what work has caught the eye of publishers.
All ranges of experiences are welcome -- from the beginner to the seasoned professional -- we just ask that you can cover an event or two a month throughout the year.
Thank you for your interest,
Ryan Coleman
Publisher, d3photography.com